Please note:  If you have been provided a discount code, please have it ready to submit when prompted in the Registration Form below.  All prices do not include fees + taxes.


Early Bird Full Access Conference
(Limited Quantity) (ending March 4)

Includes: 1.5 days of Hydrogen Halifax sessions, 2 breakfasts, 1 luncheon, 1 Evening Social on April 15, and access to Exhibition.


Early Bird - Hydrogen Halifax + Smart Energy Event
(April 14, 15, 16) (ending March 4)

Includes: 1.5 days of Hydrogen Halifax sessions, 2 days of Smart Energy Event, 4 breakfasts, 3 luncheons, 1 Evening Social on April 15, and access to Exhibition.

Regular Full Access Conference
(beginning March 5)

Includes: 1.5 days of Hydrogen Halifax sessions, 2 breakfasts, 1 luncheon, 1 Evening Social on April 15, and access to Exhibition.

Regular - Hydrogen Halifax + Smart Energy Event
(April 14, 15, 16) (beginning March 5)

Includes: 1.5 days of Hydrogen Halifax sessions, 2 days of Smart Energy Event, 4 breakfasts, 3 luncheons, 1 Evening Social on April 15, and access to Exhibition.

Onsite Full Access Conference
(beginning April 14)

Includes: 1.5 days of Hydrogen Halifax sessions, 2 breakfasts, 1 luncheon, 1 Evening Social on April 15, and access to Exhibition.

Student Full Access Conference
Includes: 1.5 days of Hydrogen Halifax sessions, 2 breakfasts, 1 luncheon, 1 Evening Social on April 15, and access to Exhibition. Limited Quantity. Must provide Student identification.  Please email for details.

Please fill out the registration form below.  Don't forget to include your Promo Code if you have been given one.